Asia no Yoru ~Perfume~

November 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Chii!!

Filed under: Chinen Yuri — amaiyume @ 4:36 pm

In November 30th which means it’s Chii’s birthday!! We’ve had our ups and downs in our relationship but I’m back to thinking you’re adorable again!! And wow…17 years old…I guess I still see him as being really young because that feels so weird to me. Nonetheless, he’s growing up and keeping his cuteness while also getting a sense of maturity!

Still not the biggest fan of his voice like I used to be but I hope he’ll have a great year and I know he’ll be 2nd lead on any Hey! Say! JUMP songs so hopefully I’ll get back into his voice like I used to 😛

Happy birthday Chii!!!!

March 22, 2010

Hitomi no Screen Part 1: The Covers

Hello everyone!! It certainly has been a long time, hasn’t it?! Well now that I’m on spring break and have FINALLY received my copies of Hitomi no Screen, I decided to make some posts. And nothing will convey my thoughts about the group now than a good old fashioned competition! So I don’t know how many parts there will be but basically the rules are that I cannot have ties and will rank the members one through ten (highest gets 10 points and so forth…). For this post, I’ll be judging the covers (and promo pic just for extra weight) so here we go!

Promo Picture (Above)

Takaki: He looks good…I think the expression on his face really captures the atmosphere of the song…admittedly, still not crazy about his blonde hair but when can you do…

Kei: AMAZING. He’s definitely bringing that modelesque quality he always does to really make him stand out in the crowd! It’s been a long time Kei-chan!!

Daiki: BADASS. The look in his eyes is almost deadly and he really stands out!

Yamada: It’s really no wonder why Yamada is a front boy in magazines when it comes to pictures like this. He just commands the camera and fits the image perfectly (like Mayonaka no Shadow Boy)

Hikaru: Looks slightly out of it XD

Chinen: Is looking pretty cool there.

Yuto: Good…but like Takaki, I’m not crazy about the hair.

Ryutaro: Surprisingly cool!! It looks like someone’s growing into his looks!

Keito: Pretty good…not anything great but nice enough.

Yabu: Looks pretty awkward just standing there…

Well of the two covers, the limited edition is definitely better. It does have a Mayonaka no Shadow Boy feel to it but it works with the song so I have no complaints. Keito looks so cool here, it’s ridiculous. He can really pull off this image well. Hikaru…not so much. He kinda looks like he’s just standing there…Kei is tilting his head and even though it may not seem like much, it helps him stand out. Yuto’s tallness helps him stand out hahaha. I think his pose is good but his hair is just so awfully distracting…that look in Ryutaro’s eyes…OMG, he’s really getting into things from the look of it. You go Ryu-chan! Yabu is doing something here…but I’m not really sure I get what that is…who is that I spot in the front row…oh yeah, it’s Dai-chan!! In case you haven’t noticed, there was a large flux of Dai-chan on this single (I’ll explain later) and it’s easy to see why. His face is awesome. I wish Yamada was doing a little more…like he’s ALMOST there but just a few inches away. Chinen looks kinda girly (which is not a bad thing) but I wished he looked a little cooler. It’s that look in Takaki’s eyes that really captures me…don’g you agree?

And now we have the regular edition, which is kind of confusing. I don’t know why it says “Romeo & Juliet” on it…it gives the impression that it’s a double A-side or something (thank god thaat’s not the case). Anyway…aww why does Takaki look so distant from everyone else?? Not too crazy about him here. LOL, Kei-chan just looks cute. There isn’t much more to say than “aww!” Dai-chan!! I wish he would have changed the angle a little bit to direct the focus more to his face…This picture makes Yamada look particularly short but he also stands proudly so it works. haha, Hikaru looks adorable here. It’s like the faintest smile is beginning to come across his face! Chinen’s girly look works particularly well here because the white shirt outfits are a lot cuter and call for something a little softer…so I think he did a good job. Yuto looks…kinda lost but in a cute way. I like the fact that he’s bending one of his knees…it stood out to me…OMFG, I think Ryutaro is one of the best here!! He really did a great job with this photoshoot!! I’m glad to see that the nervousness in previous pictures is really starting to wear off…keep at it Ryu-chan! I think Keito looks the most badass…he probably is the best in this shot. I think Yabu should always just go for sweetness because that’s what suits him best!! So yeah, I like the fact that they went with the second outfits for the cover…the idea seems really solid but somehow the finished product didn’t wow me…oh well.

Part One Rankings

10. Yaotome Hikaru (+ 1)
09. Takaki Yuya (+2)
08. Yabu Kota (+3)
07. Nakajima Yuto (+4)
06. Chinen Yuri (+5)
05. Morimoto Ryutaro (+6)
04. Arioka Daiki (+7)
03. Yamada Ryosuke (+8)
02. Inoo Kei (+9)
01. Okamoto Keito (+10)

February 15, 2010

Happy Valentine’s Day, Aishiteru Yo!

Well everyone, it’s Valentine’s Day and I thought I would just post the list of my favorites of Hey! Say! JUMP. Keep in mind that I love them all and even the one who comes in 10th is awesome. So basically, I had three different sections but I’m forcing myself to place 1-10…here it goes…

10. Yaotome Hikaru: Now I really don’t have anything against Hikaru. I actually think he can be quite funny…I just like the others more…I don’t know really how to explain it and having no JUMP activities for a whole year is probably heavily influencing this statement but I don’t see the same spark as I used to. Last week, I decided to go back and watch some of the makings and he was so cute and goofy in them so it left me wondering what happened? Now I’m looking back on a particular School Kakumei live medley and it…just wasn’t there. Of course I don’t watch the show regularly so I wouldn’t know but he’s just not leaving the impression on me that he used to. Perhaps seeing Orthrus no Inu would help…

09. Chinen Yuri: Is he adorable? Is he sweet? All right, that’s hard to deny but I dunno…maybe I’m still bitter about the NYC boys thing. I prefer young adorable Chinen when he was sitting on Takaki’s lap and making weird noises in the Hey! Say! PV Making…of course we all have to grow up some time…honestly, I can’t really explain it. I love Chii but there’s just something blocking him from being one of my top guys right now.

08. Morimoto Ryutaro: As many of you know, my love for Ryu-chan has grown quite a bit. I think he’s growing from his shell and slowly getting there…I can see it in the magazine shoots that he’s getting used to the camera. Basically, keep going for the stars Ryu-chan. It might be kind of weird to say this, but he should take a few lessons from his little brother, who is developing into quite the little star.

07. Takaki Yuya: I love Takaki. He’s a goofball and so weird sometimes (watching the Mayonaka no Shadow Boy Making Of). I STILL NEED TO SEE GOKUSEN!!! I don’t know why I’m so slow but if I can find some subs then I shall try to make time to watch. I think watching hiim act will improve my love for him even more. Is his hair still blonde? I prefer it red or brown…

06. Yamada Ryosuke: I know this seems like a low position but if I allowed myself to have ties, he would be in the second tier. Now I’ve been a little hard on Yamada lately but after watching Hidarime Tantei…he’s definitely back up there! I guess I forgot just how much emotion he can put into things…but I think what really struck me is just how much of a natural gift he has. And I can’t fault him for having something so amazing. Yama-chan, you are amazing so stay the way you are and do your best!!

05. Yabu Kota: How can I not love Yabu?? He’s sweet and he’s funny. He may be a little on the quiet side (I am too) but when he’s on that stage, he brings everything he’s got. Awesome voice, awesome dancing, awesome looks (hehehe). I just really wish he wouldn’t do such cheesy songs like BORN in the EARTH (no, I’m not gonna get over that until I see an album tracklist and see it not there lol). I also haven’t watched his dorama yet but I want too! Any series with a shirtless Yabu in it is a kind I would very much like to watch.

04. Okamoto Keito: What can I say, I’ve been bit by the Keito big. Has it been all the fanfiction I’ve been reading? undoubtedly. But I really do think Keito has come a long way from the shy English boy I first came to know. Just the change from the Your Seed PV Making to the Mayonaka no Shadow Boy PV Making is surprising. He barely set one word in the first (did he say more than that one line at the beginning??) and was acting all weird in the latter. He’s really blossoming and I demand that we get Keito a drama role (if he wants one of course) and more lines in songs so we can see his awesomeness! How can you not want more Keito after he delivered the epicness that is Babylon??? And have you seen those abs… *drools*

03. Nakajima Yuto: Yuto-chan!!! Through my course of watching the makings and everything, it’s really hit me how things have changed for Yuto. When Hey! Say! JUMP was introduced, I wouldn’t say Yuto was the star of the group or anything but he was definitely one of the front-runners. Now…yeah…I watched the Mayonaka no Shadow Boy PV Making and it kind of upset me. He looked so lonely…like the scene where he was talking about the single and throwing stuff outside…I don’t know. I thought the other guys were kind of mean to him when he was just being so cute and hyper Yuto…I’m glad Keito was nice to him. He did an AMAZING job in Scrap Teacher and I demand that he get more attention in the future because he deserves it. For me, one of Yuto’s biggest appeal points is that he seems like the kind of guy you could just pal around with. He would be a very good friend and I would LOVE to be friends with some as wonderful as him.

02. Inoo Kei: How can I like a boy that’s been in the back from day one you ask? Well just take the time to really think about it and you’ll see all the great qualities of Inoo Kei! Magazines…he OWNS his shots. He definitely knows how to work the camera and it’s obvious the camera loves him. I would say that he has the best overall average of best shots of the 10 members. And I know it’s hard to hear his voice a lot because he doesn’t get really opportunities  for solo lines but he has got a GREAT voice. In Hey! Say! JUMP’s latest tour, Yabu was absent sometimes and so and Daiki filled in for his lines. Kei’s voice = LOVE. If you haven’t heard it, then you need to. It’s somewhere in hey_say’s LJ so if you have the time, I would highly recommend it. I really don’t know why he doesn’t have solo lines…it’s actually a crime. And I personally think he’s quite the looker (what a strange phrase). His smile is just…adorable. So in short, Kei needs more attention. I know I’m saying that kind of a lot but this time, I’m pushing it even a little more because Kei feels like the most ignored member of the group when he has all the qualities that would put him at front with a little push.

01. Well I suppose the picture at the top really gave things away huh? But it really shouldn’t come as a surprise to any of you that my number one is Dai-chan. He’s the perfect combo of hot and cute (like Massu) and his smile could light up a room. I just don’t know how anyone could resist his cute charm! If you look at the videos, you’ll notice that this boy can move. For example, he always hits his moves so sharply in the Suriru performances. And he really does have a good voice (I’m glad he got solo lines in Mayonaka no Shadow Boy). I loved his acting roles and wish he would have gotten more spotlight (grr…). Anyway, not much to say that I haven’t already said before. Daiki is amazing. End of story.

So yeah, that’s my little list and I think I’ll post an update in a couple weeks after seeing the Hitomi no Screen Making and photobook + DVD and all that good stuff. I’m very excited to see the guys all together and see just how much they’ve changed from the last making!! What about you all??? Any changes in your lists???

December 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Chii!! We Love You!!

Filed under: Chinen Yuri — amaiyume @ 1:43 am

It’s November 30th so happy birthday Chinen!!!! You’re officialy 16 and I hope you have an amazing year!!!! I don’t have much to say but keep being your cute / adorable but also cool self!!! And I look forward to seeing you and the rest of NYC boys on Kokuhaku!!!!

Plus, seeing this photo along with a few others from the photobook totally makes me want to get it!!! So…any news gonna come by soon?

October 27, 2009

Yamada, Daiki, Chinen and Ryutaro Having Some Fun, Everyone Else…Hmm…


So there is no new Hey! Say! JUMP news…but honestly, did you really expect anything? With the touring they’re going to do during late December / early January, I think it’s pretty safe to say that they’re done releasing for the rest of the year. Yeah, such a shame. I’m not gonna lie. I’m a little worried about the future of these guys as a group…but that’s a post for a diferent day.

It’s been announced that Yamada, Chinen and Daiki will be attending the lamp lighting ceremony at Tokyo Dome City on November 11th…what exactly they will be doing has not been announced but…I can’t imagine it’ll be anything amazing…nonetheless, I would love to see some of my fav idols doing something like that.

Also, Ryutaro and Shintaro will be doing some sort of Snow Prince promotion by participating in something called Wan Wan Wan Day Charity Event on November 1st…okay, that’s great…I guess.

So yeah, sorry the blog has been so quiet. Hey! Say! JUMP obviously won’t be releasing anything more this year so I’m gonna try and find some more stuff to talk about…I’m hoping we get something exciting from JE soon…Hey! Say! JUMP, NEWS, Nakayama Yuma w/ B.I. Shadow or V6…any one of those groups would be awesome…

October 4, 2009

Ew…This Is What Happens When You Separate The Guys…

So here is another School Kakumei video and I’m continuously seeing the effects of not having all 10 members to sing songs…you can see for yourself…

Mayonaka no Shadow Boy:

+ Yamada and Chinen sounded good…
– Hikaru doesn’t belong there…Yuto and Daiki please
– Yuugo looks bored in the background
+ Yamada was kakkoi at the end
+ Fuma looked more into it than Hikaru hahha

Ultra Music Power [What the hell?]:

– I just have no idea what Hikaru is doing…the music is Your Seed so…what?
+ Fuma is absolutely adorable and perfect
– Yuugo looks bored again

Your Seed:

– Ew…what’s up with Chinen’s voice…is he doing that on purpose? Why is he sounding all cutesy? It’s not that kind of song…

Jounetsu JUMP:

+ Yamada’s entrance was awesome
+ Yamada owns both Hikaru and Chinen in that performance. His dancing was on point but…
+ Fuma is always so energetic and adorable!

Okay…Yamada owns the stage, Chinen is being kinda weird with his voice, Hikaru looks bored, Yuugo also looks bored but it’s less important since he’s in the background anyway, Fuma is adorable and should be up in the front, wow, I barely saw Hokuto…

Please just have all 10 members to sing the song…of course that’s just impossible sometimes but…you guys have solos…and I’m still WTF with Ultra Music Power…it was Hikaru’s rap section but the music was Your Seed…Johnny…

Apparently, Yuto Isn’t A “You” Anymore…

So yeah, here is a performance of You & You, Yuto and Chinen’s duet but…Yuto isn’t there. So Chinen sings it and then is joined by Yamada, Hikaru and three of the B.I. Shadow boys…I mean, I understand if Yuto is busy and after all Chinen is on School Kakumei but…where exactly was Yuto? I mean…what was he doing because he wasn’t doing any drama filming [like I’m assuming Kento was] and…yeah. I’d much rather have Yuto sing it solo…not gonna lie, getting pretty tired of all the YamaChii going on with no love for the other members…at least B.I. Shadow was here to cheer me up.

+ Chinen Yuri: He did a pretty good job although maybe it was me, his voice sounded weird at parts. Hmm…
+ Yamada Ryosuke and Yaotome Hikaru: Okay…not needed…but Yamada’s face when they showed his name was VERY kakkoi!
+ Random English: When I first heard the song…I did not hear some of those words hahaha. And I don’t like “babe”…they should have used “girl” instead…
+ Kikuchi Fuma: HOLY CRAP! The love of my life is looking FANTASTIC!!!!! Seriously, he’s nailing that look…looking better than the Hey! Say! JUMP boys…
+ Matsumura Hokuto: Awww, he looks cute!!! And I like how he’s all into the song!!
+ Kouchi Yuugo: So kawaii kneeling on the ground like that!! Kawaii!!!!

+ Random Note: I like how Yamada looks soooo into the performance and then Hikaru looks kinda bored and Chinen’s like right in the middle hahha.

OMFG, Johnny…I’m very disappointed in you. This year was FAIL. I don’t need a huge DVD collection so stop making them in the place of CDs!! And I swear…this photobook + DVD of Hey! Say! JUMP BETTER be friggin amazing or heads are gonna roll…next year, I would like to see more Daiki, Kei and Yuto!! And please give Ryutaro a solo…and also give Nakayama Yuma w/ B.I. Shadow another single…just do all the things you SHOULD have done this year…

September 25, 2009

Happy 2nd Anniversary Hey! Say! JUMP!!

Kei-chan Yama-chan Happy!

Do you wanna know why Yamada and Kei are so happy?! Well it’s because it’s September 24th!!! It’s the 2nd anniversary of Hey! Say! JUMP!!!!!

They’ve definitely made a name for themselves so they should all be proud. I’m just gonna give a little list of  my proud moments for each member!

Yamada: My how you’ve grown so mature in only 2 years!! Doing shirtless performances like your sempais! Definitely keep up the hotness Yama-chan!! And let’s not forget all of the dramas that he’s done! Definitely an impressive repetoire! Good job Yama-chan!!!

Yuto: You’ve quickly become one of my favorites Yuto through Sensei wa Erai! and Scrap Teacher! And you’ve become so hot as well! Let’s have some shirtless performances in the future okay? hehehe

Chinen: Wow, it’s hard to believe you’re the same little kid you were two years ago. Your voice has changed and even though you’re still pretty small, you stand so big when you’re on stage! From recent magazine shoots, it looks like we have another Yamada on our hands!!

Keito: Your confidence has grown so much and I’m really proud of you for that!! Continue to shine because you are such a star! Fighting for Babylon!

Ryutaro: To be honest, I think a lot of love for you has been from writing fanfiction but you’re still awesome! You’re bigger than Dai-chan now ne! I hope you get a solo song soon!!!!

Yabu: Yabu…the sexy guy who is kind of like a leader! I’m really proud of you for keeping that amazing angelic voice of yours as well as keeping that hot body ^^

Takaki: Even though I haven’t seen Gokusen, I’m proud of you for doing your thing and getting recognized for it!! Keep working hard!!!

Kei: I’m extremely proud of you for getting into Meiji University!! I hope you’re working hard and doing your best!! And you finally have a solo!!! Daisuki!!!

Daiki: My little cute Daiki! I’m proud of you for being the absolute sweetness that I have come to love! You were awesome in Sensei wa Erai! and Scrap Teacher! You need more attention and more dramas [please do a drama with Kei-chan!] And more shirtlessness wouldn’t hurt either…daisuki!!!!

Hikaru: Although I may have given you a hard time at first, I really am glad that you’re in the group and it wouldn’t be the same without you! So I suppose I’m proud that you stayed yourself and made me a fan!!

So yeah…it’s been 2 years…4 singles and 2 Tour DVDs…anything missing from that list? Oh yeah…an album. Johnny please learn to balance the schedule between releasing and touring…if not then give me a Hey! Say! BEST mini album please. I demand Suriru and I demand it now.

August 24, 2009

Ashita E, Ganbareina!!!

Daiki Chinen Pajama

Okay everyone, this will probably be my last post before I have to go off to college. So unfortunately, daily posting just is gonna be impossible. And even though it’s not like I’m closing down the blog, this post will probably kind of sound like it lol. I’ve been in a really nostalgic mood today so that’s my inspiration.

Thanks so much to everyone who have left comments on my blog or those who have just read. I won’t list everyone’s name even though you all deserve it but I will name a few. Thanks soooo much for brandon for all your awesome comments! Since you’ve started commenting, I think you’ve commented on like every one of my posts! It means a lot to me!! And we share love for both Hello Project (Morning Musume in particular) and JE!! And aliceeinwonderland, thanks so much for all your in-depth comments! We love the same members of groups (like Massu and Tegoshi) and sometimes we have our different tastes (Koki haha) but we’re true fans!! And Kaname Fujiwara, thanks to you too for your comments! They really have brightened up the blog!!

Daiki Chinen Pajama 2Now to Hey! Say! JUMP, my my how you guys haven’t released anything. But there have been some great moments during the past year of fandom. Ups, downs, changes in preferences. Yuto, you’re amazing and always will be. I hope to see more of you in the future like in another drama role because you are a fantastic actor! Daiki, you are a star and one of my favorite members! Never stop being your kawaii sekushii self okay! And congrats on the solo!! And Kei-chan, who is just as awesome! Always like a model in the magazines and kudos on your solo as well! Yabu, you angel! You’re always amazing in every single way and a total angel!! But sometimes a dirty angel as we’ve seen from your recent drama and the shirtless scene! More shirtlessness all the way please!!! Chinen, you’ve really matured and I’m sure you’re enjoying it! It looks like we have a second Yama-chan on our hands! Ryutaro, you’ve grown so much in front of the camera so you should be very proud! I am proud of you and hope you get a solo soon!! Takaki, keep your awesome hair because you look so hot with the right hair! And I’m sure you’re a good actor so I should see you in a drama! Keito, you’re so badass with Babylon!! Fantastic song!! You’ve also gotten more comfortable over the years and you should be proud as well!! Hikaru, you’ve grown on me a lot and I thank you for that! And finally Yamada, you sexy beast. Even though you did hog NYC boys from B.I. Shadow, you’re still awesome and I’m looking forward to more sexiness oozing from you in the future!!

Nakayama Yuma w/ B.I. Shadow, I suppose you guys are still a Junior unit much to my displeasure. But let me say, that you are amazing and you have caught my attention the most of any JE crew this year so congrats! Fuma, you’re the love of my life so you absolutely have to debut or I’m going to be really upset!!! And Kento, who is absolutely hilarious and makes me laugh like no other. You have to debut or I’ll die of boredom!! Hokuto!! With your many scarves and sweet voice, you’ve wormed your way into my heart! I remember when you first joined B.I. Shadow, I was…hesitant since I liked the original three but I am SOO glad that you’ve come!!! Keep up the good work and promise me you’ll still be in the debut group!! And Yuugo!!! So kawaii!!!!!!!!!!! Even though your smile is really big sometimes, it’s meccha kawaii and I think you’re amazing! You have to be in a debut group too! And Yuma, I know I may give you a hard time at times but you’re pretty cool and I’m sure I’ll like you even more once songs aren’t so one-sided.

So thanks again everyone who has supported me and I expect something new from you guys, Hey! Say! JUMP by the end of the year. I’ll have cmoputer access but I won’t be blogging every day and I probably won’t have time to check fandom news every day either so hopefully something big won’t go un-noticed! So I’ll see you all very soon I’m sure! Hai! Ganbareina!!! [my favorite phrase hahaha]

August 17, 2009

Platinum 9 DISC: The Boys’ Turn

Platinum 9 Disc Boys

This message is brought to you by the original B.I. Shadow of Fuma, Kento and Misaki!! Platinum 9 DISC is an awesome album and now it’s time to connect them to both!!

Hey! Say! JUMP:

SONGS -> Hey! Say! JUMP [Yamada Ryosuke and Takaki Yuya Lead]
Resonant Blue -> Hey! Say! JUMP [Yamada Ryosuke and Yabu Kota Lead]
Ame no Furanai Hoshi de wa Aisenai Darou? -> Hey! Say! JUMP [Yabu Kota and Nakajima Yuto Lead]
Take off is now! -> Arioka Daiki, Yamada Ryosuke, Inoo Kei
Naichau Kamo -> Hey! Say! JUMP [Yamada Ryosuke, Yabu Kota, Nakajima Yuto and Takaki Yuya Lead]
Watashi no Miryoku ni Kidzukunai Donkanna Hito -> Inoo Kei
GURU GURU JUMP -> Okamoto Keito, Morimoto Ryutaro, Inoo Kei
Mikan -> Hey! Say! JUMP [Yaotome Hikaru and Chinen Yuri Lead]
Jounetsu no Kiss Hitotsu -> Yamada Ryosuke, Arioka Daiki and Inoo Kei
It’s You -> Arioka Daiki
Onna ni Sachi Are -> Hey! Say! JUMP [Yaotome Hikaru and Okamoto Keito Lead]
Kataomoi no Owari ni -> Morimoto Ryutaro
Kanashimi Twilight -> Hey! Say! JUMP [Yamada Ryosuke and Takaki Yuya]

Nakayama Yuma w/ B.I. Shadow:

SONGS -> Nakayama Yuma w/ B.I. Shadow [Nakajima Kento and Kikuchi Fuma Lead]
Resonant Blue -> Nakayama Yuma w/ B.I. Shadow [Nakayama Yuma Lead]
Ame wa Furanai Hoshi de wa Aisenai Darou? -> Nakayama Yuma w/ B.I. Shadow [Matsumura Hokuto Lead]
Take off is now! -> Nakajima Kento, Kikuchi Fuma, Matsumura Hokuto
Naichau Kamo -> Nakayama Yuma w/ B.I. Shadow [Nakayama Yuma and Kikuchi Fuma Lead]
Watashi no Miryoku ni Kidzukunai Donkanna Hito -> Kouchi Yuugo
GURU GURU JUMP -> Nakayama Yuma, Matsumura Hokuto, Kouchi Yuugo
Mikan -> Nakayama Yuma w/ B.I. Shadow [Nakayama Yuma and Nakajima Kento Lead]
Jounetsu no Kiss Hitotsu -> Nakajima Kento, Kikuchi Fuma, Matsumura Hokuto
It’s You ->Kikuchi Fuma
Onna ni Sachi Are -> Nakayama Yuma w/ B.I. Shadow [Nakayama Yuma and Nakajima Kento Lead]
Kataomoi no Owari ni -> Matsumura Hokuto
Kanashimi Twilight ->Nakayama Yuma w/ B.I. Shadow [Nakajima Kento and Kikuchi Fuma Lead]

Yeah…really late post. Sorry! I didn’t really know what to do and I’ll be leaving in two days for a couple of days. Hopefully you can all enjoy my previous posts and I’ll be back soon!!

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